Western and Validation on Some Standards

Do you remember the reason why the 'Western' colonized the third world countries? Based on what I studied in my high school was because of the 3G (Gold, Glory, and Gospel). The Western colonized the third world countries is because they have something that is called "white burden". Which means the white people - European long time ago thought that they had the most advanced civilization and it is their responsibility to educate and advancing third world countries. But then what's left from the colonization? Let's talk about it!


The Western now is the center of the civilization in the world. Most of people acknowledge it is. Science, technologies, theories are coming from the Western scholars' (of course we don't forget about Japan, China, India, etc. but mostly it comes from Western long time ago) contribution and has been distributed to the world. The first civilization in history is always the Western. Not only in science, the Western also contributes on beauty standard in both gender. That is to say, you are pretty if you have fair skin, straight hair, skinny body. The beauty products also embrace the standard. And don't forget about the media, it also has the big role in preserving the Western standard of beauty. But more than that, there are some standards which are not equal to be applied in a different identity. The double standard shows that the Western or even non-Western still perceive that the Western is the best nation. Hence, things are valid if the Western embraces or promotes it but it's otherwise if other nations do likewise.

But hey, let's talk about specific case in this double standard!

We know that white people want to tan their skin. to look 'sexier' or 'exotic' you name it and people call them sexy or exotic. Colorizing happen in Asian countries (Especially in my country, Indonesia). Where you can find people who has tanned skin are discriminated and what's funny in this country? Our race were born to be tanned, which we call it "sawo matang" but people also judge those who has tanned skin. Bu throughout the Gen Z era, they call tanned skin girls as "incaran bule" which in English it means girlfriend material for white people. This is fucked up when everything is linked to Western or white people. They validate tanned skin girls and consider it pretty because it's what they think "white people" like. But they would say that girls with fair skin are pretty. Where does the mindset come? Of course the post-colonialism.

Remember when Harry Styles wear a dress?

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People react and validate him and praise him because he is so stunning with that dress. People also defend him and really give a good reaction to him. And of course I am happy to know that because I agree. He indeed is stunning. But what makes me sad is that the movement is valid when white people are the role model or take a big role to influence. Why do I say that?

Well, for a long time ago the clothes that people construct as "women's clothes" have been worn by male K-POP idols. They also perform with full of make up but instead of praising them just like they praise Harry, people call them "gay" or in my country as "banci" because they wore make up and dressed "like women"

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        Let's not deny that Wonho's outfit and Harry's outfit are actually the clothes people construct as women's clothes, yet the reaction on each side is different. Please for people who move in this movement, let's not close our eyes from the fact that non-Western or non-white people are still discriminated. If you defend Harry for wearing dress but you close your eyes in Asian discrimination, well, you are still in the stage of post-colonialism. I don't want this movement only exclusive and valid if White people are the role model. As long as white people do not bring this issue, people are still in silence from this discrimination.

We want to have an inclusive movement for every party, right? So, let's fight for it. Let's unlearn the colonial culture.                      




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